67 photos
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2021 VT Grad weekend
167 photos
2014 thru 2020 RAM Memorial
3540 photos dans 13 sous-albums
2019 Alex Marisa Wedding Weekend
109 photos
2019 Mom Surprise Bday
27 photos
2018 Hattiesburg 131 40th
57 photos
Photos from 131 40th Place
2017 VT_Dropoff
86 photos
2017 Troop79_EagleCeremony
133 photos
2017 Lia_Bday
5 photos
2017 Eclipse
26 photos
2016 Xmas
93 photos
2016 Summer_Kiera_HBurg_Visit
326 photos
2016 Riverview_ToppingOut
11 photos
2016 Joe_Rich
87 photos
2016 FortLauderdale
140 photos
2016 CelticClassic
38 photos
2015 SummerHBurgTrip
59 photos
Nature pictures from my parents' backyard, taken around labor day, 2015
2015 NewZealand
531 photos
2015 CelticClassicFestival
363 photos
September 25 - 27, 2015 in Bethlehem, PA. Includes Highland Games, Bagpipe parade, and misc shots
2015 BDO
10 photos
2015 Australia
456 photos
2015 Atlantis
177 photos
Atlantis Cruise Feb - March 2015, from Auckland, NZ down New Zealand and up Australia, ending in Sydney during Mardi Gras
2015 Arizona-John
71 photos
2014 Shawnee
12 photos
2014 GroundsForSculpture
234 photos dans 2 sous-albums
Photos taken May 2
2014 Class48Graduation
49 photos
Class 48 of the Middlesex Auxiliary Police Academy. "Class 48! To Protect and Serve Our State!"
2014 CelticClassic
1837 photos
The 2014 Celtic Classic and US National Highland Games Championships were held in Bethlehem PA September 26 - 28, 2014
2013 ZipLineParty
177 photos
2013 GiantsGameTailgating
22 photos
2013 EdMartinNewHouse
55 photos
2013 Celtic Classic
303 photos
Photos from the 2013 Celtic Classic held in Bethlehem, PA from September 27 - 29, 2013. Also includes photos taken during the performance of Emish on Saturday night.
2012 St Pats Rugby Game
436 photos
March 17,2012 St Pats Rugby game between Philly Gryphons (home team) and the Boston Ironsides.
2012 Celtic Classic
516 photos
Celtic Classic in Bethlehem PA
2011 Zipline Party
112 photos
2011 Celtic Classic
190 photos
2011 Bahamas Cruise
373 photos
2008 ConeyIsland
30 photos
2008 AC_BDO
36 photos
2007 LV_HBurg_ASGRA_DC
240 photos
2007 CelticClassMacysXmas
234 photos
2005 SaltLakeXMas
111 photos
2004 Xmas
26 photos
2004 SummerNDisney
35 photos
2004 HBurgTrip
48 photos
2004 ChicagoIreland
255 photos
2004 BiluFamily
62 photos
2003 RoadTrip
54 photos
2002 Rugby
30 photos
2002 OctHawaii
202 photos
2002 IGRA_RodeoFinals
144 photos